Holistic Therapies

Herbalists in Bracknell

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3 Reeds Hill
RG12 7LJ

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm

Saturday: 9am - 2pm

Sunday: Closed

Key Services

acupressure, alternative therapies, herbal remedies


  • Herbal Remedies
  • Acupressure
  • Flower Remedies
  • NLP

Herbal Remedies for you

Herbal medicine is the use of natural plant substances, otherwise known as botanicals, to treat and prevent illness. The practice has existed for thousands of years, and as much as 80% of the worlds population use it as a primary form of medicine.

It is an organic medicine, meaning the plants used are all sustainable. This is prompting pharmaceutical companies to contribute to conserving the tropical rainforests, which are abundant in medicinal plants.

What can it treat?

Allergies, including Hay Fever
Colds and Flu
Depression, Stress and Anxiety
Digestive problems (IBS, Constipation, Diarrhoea)
Headaches and Migraines
Menstrual problems, PMS, Menopause and Hot flushes

How does it work?

Each herb has specfic and unique properties that allows change to happen in the body. Each prescription is designed and fine-tuned for the individual. The medicines may change through out the course of treatment as you progress.

Acupressure for you

Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities.

Acupressure was developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand.

Acupressure Therapy is effective in the relief of stress-related ailments, and is ideal for preventive health care or boosting the immune system. It releases tension, increases circulation, reduces pain, and develops spirituality and vibrant health.

The Applications of Using Acupressure include:

relieving pain
balancing body energy
reducing tension
increasing circulation
enabling deep relaxation
relieving stress
strengthening resistance to disease

You can use pressure point formulas for specific conditions, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic muscular pain, mental stress, addiction recovery, learning disorders, trauma, emotional imbalances and more.

Flower Remedies for you

Flower essences are the essences of flowers captured in water. They contain a healing vibration that catalyses change and enables transformation on emotional mental and spiritual levels.

The words 'essence' or 'remedy' are used interchangeably because they refer to the essence or healing vibration of the plant. This becomes the remedy or healing agent for the imbalance that is present.

Flower essences are used because they help us to feel better. They work to heal us primarily on emotional and mental levels and restore harmony.

They work by enhancing the positive aspects of the qualities of mind, emotion and personality. By flooding a person with positive qualities the negative aspects or lack of positive are dissolved, and health is restored.

Taking the flower essences puts back the positive aspects of a quality, shifting you from negative to positive or from left to right on a graph.

A useful analogy is that we all have a bright light shining from within us out onto the world. This light shines through different windows, each representing a particular quality. Sometimes the windows are misted up, covered with cobwebs, or the shutters are closed. Taking the appropriate remedy gradually opens the shutters, blows away the cobwebs and unmists the glass, allowing the light to shine out in full brightness again.

Sometimes the light shines out quickly again as a temporary blockage is dissolved. Sometimes it takes longer, as when the block is deeper and more long-standing. Other times, all appears well for the present, but the stain of a blockage originating five, ten, or twenty years ago needs wiping clean. The process is exactly the same in each case - the difference is in duration and frequency of treatment.

Are Flower Essences Safe?

Flower Essences must be produced to standardised methods and amounts. Your practitioner will ensure of this, and will also make sure any side effects or interactions are avoided.

What will my session involve?

Your first treatment will involve a detailed consultation to find out your medical history, lifestyle, diet and symptoms you present. Essences may then be prescribed based on the diagnosis your therapist makes. These are usually to be taken at regular intervals over 4-6 weeks. However this varies depending on your condition and response to treatment.

NLP for you

Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach to personal development and was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970's.

Specific techniques are used that look at connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic"), and behavioural patterns learned through experience ("programming") so that they can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

It can help with the following:
Emotional Issues
Goal Achievement

Each session will include multiple techniques that will be tailored to you and your needs.

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