RCS Decorators

Painters and Decorators in Salisbury

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Over the past 25 years, customers have come to trust RCS Decorators as the best place to shop for high-quality work on homes & office decor Serving customers throughout Wiltshire, you can count on the quality of our work and the high level of experience at RCS Decorators because we offer everything you would expect from a leading company of decorators used to working with clients on a wide and diverse range of projects, large and small. ... http://www.rcsdecorators.co.uk ... ...



Very Good




Very Very pleased with the work rcs decorators did in my home they was in an out with no mess an was very lovely people will be useing them again as had painters befor an they was rude an not good but rcs was the best i'v ever had... Mrs Hacking

paul finnerty - 23/01/2010 | report this review

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