1st Emergency Locksmiths Services

Locksmiths in Sheffield

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22 Furnival Street
South Yorkshire
S1 4LG

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Key Services

24 hour locksmiths, Emergency boarding glazing, emergency locksmiths


24Hr Locksmiths, boarding, and glazing service. *No call out charges *1/2 hour target response time *Police & Insurance approved *British standard locks supplied and fitted *UPVC Door specialist *Fast, friendly, reliable, local service *OAP & Student discounts available *Non destructive entry *Domestic and commercial



Very good service




I recently had was locked out after losing my keys and 1st Emergency locksmiths were very quick to respond (less than 20 minutes) and they got me in the house very quickly. The engineer was very nice and friendly and i thought the price was very fair. I would like to recommend them to other users of this site please. Thankyou, Mrs A Crawshaw

Anne Crawshaw - 15/06/2009 | report this review

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