Fab Cafe

Public Houses in Leeds (West Yorkshire)

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46 Woodhouse Lane
West Yorkshire

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Fab Cafe is a bar/club playing good music and popular with students.



Too Cool For School




Fab Cafe has to be one of the coolest places in Leeds, if not THE coolest. It's so retro and is kitted out with posters from all the classic superhero comics and films. Furthermore you can buy sweets and lollys from behind the bar! (Including Whams! Oh yeh)Situated at the very top of the Leeds night clubbing scene Fab Cafe is a bit of a trek which is probably why it doesnt get the amount of people in there it deserves. Plays fantastic rock music and all the classic indie stuff. A great smoking area too.A highlight of Fab Cafe has to be playing Space Invaders! A very retro bar, it's a must for all cool kid students

A User - 03/09/2008 | report this review

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One Cool Place




Fab cafe has got to be one of the coolest places in Leeds, with its huge figures and cabinets of collectibles from all your favourite films an heroes from Star Wars to Spiderman, plus the tables that you can play the original Space Invaders on.It's fairly cheap and if you into indie/rock you'll love it. So why only 3 stars?Well on the times I have been to Fab Cafe in the last year arriving around 10 o'clock to head somewhere else around 11 it has been absolutely dead. To me there is no point having all this ace stuff and good music and cheap drinks if no one is coming to the place. Because it's always dead there is no atmosphere and you feel a bit weird been there. But maybe that's because I mostly go there on weeknights.

A User - 12/08/2008 | report this review

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