Taxis in Leicester
7 Windmill Close, Thurmaston
AIR-O Cars is a taxi service businnes based in Leicester, Leicestershire. They supply Taxis, Minibus Hire and Airport Transfers. They have two 8 Seater Minibuses and all drivers have CRB Checks and BTEC Qualifications. Male and Female Drivers available. Furthermore they are Wheelchair Specialists, Golfing Holidays, and they cover Long and Short Distances. They cover Barrow, Mountsorrel, Quorn, Cossington, Rothley, Ratcliffe on the weake, Seagrave, Rearsby, Thurcaston, Queniborough, Syston and Brooksby.
To get more information please visit their website or contact them.
All Drivers have CRB Checks and BTEC Qualification.
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