Grocers in Cheadle (Cheshire)
Wilmslow Road
Car park can get a bit mad but quality products. More competitive now. Worth a trip.
Christine Rimmer - 30/10/2009 | report this review
One of my local supermarkets, and have been in here on many occasions.Its the store which shares its building with John lewis's and there is a shares cafe on the ground floor and restaurant on the first floor.The staff at sainsburys are always pleasent, and helpful and usually go out of their way to help you.The store is well presented and lay out in a good way, easy to find what your looking for.The food is always well packaged, and it has some unusual foods that you won't find in the likes of tesco etc.There is a deli counter, fresh creams and bread counter, curry and chinese counter and fresh meats (ie steak etc) counter, and a fish counter.The freezer aisle is quite small, and the entertainments area is small.There is lots of tills all usually maned and the customer services are pleasent and nice.
A User - 12/08/2008 | report this review
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